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Experience a challenging and educational Summer Intensive where you have the possibility to improve both your technical and artistic skills. Tivoli Ballet School offers you access to meet renowned teachers such as Adam Hendrickson, Lauren King and Ask La Cour for two weeks of basic ballet training, pointe class, and introduction to repertoire.

With these experienced and highly skilled teachers, you will have an intensive program and the chance to meet other advanced students. 

All of this, in the safe environment of The Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, with its enchanting atmosphere.

Please fill in the application form and send it to

Fee for one week tuition: 3600 DKK
Fee for two weeks tuition: 7000 DKK
If you pay for both weeks, you will be refunded accordingly

AGE 12-14   /   15. – 20.  &  22. – 27. July 2024    

WEEK 1 (15.-20. July)
09:30: Pick up at Tietgensgade 28

10:00-11:30: Class w. Lauren King
11:30-11:45: Break
11:45-12:45: Pointe w. Lauren King
12:45-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:00: Repertoire w. Ask La Cour

Schedule subject to chance

WEEK 2 (22.-27. July)
09:30: Pick up at Tietgensgade 28

10:00-11:30: Class w. Lauren King
11:30-11:45: Break
11:45-12:45: Pointe w. Lauren King
12:45-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:00: Repertoire w. Ask La Cour

Schedule subject to change

Ask La Cour

Ask la Cour, former Principal dancer with New York City Ballet is originally from Copenhagen, Denmark where he studied at The Royal Danish Ballet School

Lauren King

Lauren King brings over 20 years of dedicated experience to the world of ballet and arts administration. As a Soloist Dancer at New York City Ballet ..

Tuition & Registration

Registration for one week – 6 days of tuition and admission to Tivoli: 3600 DKK (approx. 480 EUR)
Registration for two weeks – 12 days of tuition and admission to Tivoli: 7000 DKK (approx. 940 EUR)
If you pay for both weeks, you will be refunded accordingly

Students must bring their own lunch.

Please click here for instructions of registration and payment. Please also fill in this application including the required photos and send to

Registration Deadline
Registration no later than 1. July 2024

WEEK 29 / 15. – 20. July 2024

WEEK 30 / 22. – 27. July 2024

Age 15-20  /  15. – 20.  &  22. – 27. July 2024  

WEEK 1 (15.-20. July)
11:00: Pick up at Tietgensgade 28

11:30-13:00: Class w. Adam Hendrickson
13:00-13:15: Break
13:15-14:00: Boys class w. Adam Hendrickson/Girls lunch
14:00-15:15: Pointe w. Lauren King/Boys lunch
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-17:00: Repertoire w. Adam Hendrickson

Schedule subject to change

Week 2 (22.-27. July)
11:00: Pick up at Tietgensgade 28

11:30-13:00: Class w. Adam Hendrickson
13:00-13:15: Break
13:15-14:00: Boys class w. Adam Hendrickson/Girls lunch
14:00-15:15: Pointe w. Lauren King/Boys lunch
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-17:00: Repertoire w. Adam Hendrickson

Schedule subject to change

Lauren King

Lauren King brings over 20 years of dedicated experience to the world of ballet and arts administration. As a Soloist Dancer at New York City Ballet ..

Adam Hendrickson

Adam Hendrickson attended three consecutive SAB Summer Courses before enrolling as a full-time student in the fall of 1996...

Tuition & Registration

Registration for one week – 6 days of tuition and admission to Tivoli: 3600 DKK (approx. 480 EUR)
Registration for two weeks – 12 days of tuition and admission to Tivoli: 7000 DKK (approx. 940 EUR)
If you pay for both weeks, you will be refunded accordingly

Students must bring their own lunch.

Please click here for instructions of registration and payment. Please also fill in this application including the required photos and send to

Registration Deadline
Registration no later than 1. July 2024

WEEK 29 / 15. – 20. July 2024

WEEK 30 / 22. – 27. July 2024


Registration will be by application only including photos. Applicants may be required to send a short video of barre, center work and including pointe work for girls. Students are required to have a strong classical ballet technique with a proven minimum of three years of training at an advanced level.

Registration Deadline
Registration no later than 1. July 2024

Registration of payment – GUIDE 
International Summer Intensive Information on how to register your credit card with a profile on Tivoli Ballet School’s website.  

Tivoli Ballet School has chosen a payment system, that enables you to pay by Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard and American Express. The system uses a safe gateway called “Quickpay”.  

If you have any problems with your profile and registration of credit card, feel free to contact us at 

Go to the website 

To register you need a profile. You can create your personal profile with 3 easy steps. 

1) Click on the “Opret profil” 

2) Fill out the form (find translation below) 

Fornavn: First name  

Efternavn: Surname  

Adresse: Address  

Postnr. + By: ZIP code and city  

Hjemkommune: Choose the ”Non-Danish” option  

Mobil tlf: Here you write the mobile phone number 

Fødselsdato: Birth date DD-MM-YEAR (Like this 24-02-1978)  

Køn: Gender (mand=male, kvinde=female)   

Email: E-mail  

Bekræft email: Write your e-mail again  

Ønsker ikke nyhedsbrev : Do not wish the newsletter  

Brugernavn: Username (Minimum 7 letters or – @)  

Password: Password of minimum 7 letters and cannot be same as the username.  

Samtykke til offentliggørelse af billede: XXXX 

3) Click “Opret profil” 

To register please follow this procedure: 

  1. Log in 
  1. Click on “Event” in the top of the front page 
  1. Here you click on LÆS MERE & TILMELD under International Summer Intensive 2024. 
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tic of 
    “Jeg accepterer betingelserne (accept the conditions)” and
    “Betal her (Pay here)”. 
  1. Choose credit card 

Kortnummer: Card number
Udløbsdato: Expiration date
Kontrolcifre: Security digits 

  1. Finally press Gennemfør betaling (finalize payment)

Now you are registered for the International Summer Intensive 2024. A confirmation will be sent to your email address. 


General information
On arrival you will receive a welcome folder with necessary information about Tivoli, the locations, the city and the weekly schedule.

Tivoli Ballet School at Tivoli
Tietgensgade 12
1704 Copenhagen

Medical Insurance
Students must be covered by their own medical insurance. The Summer Intensive is not responsible for any medical coverage or injury related expenses. It is required that the dancers are in good health in order to prevent injuries.

What to wear
Girls: black leotards – pink tights and ballet slippers and pointe shoes.
Boys: black tights – white t-shirt and white ballet slippers.

Copenhagen has various opportunities of accommodation and Tivoli Ballet School will gladly convey on request.

Refund Policy


Mission Statement
Tivoli Ballet School has dedicated its International Summer Intensives to the purpose of connecting young dancers from all over the world and expanding their understanding of our art form in the beautiful setting of Tivoli Gardens.


Please include the following photos when sending the application form.

Female applicants please include the following photos:

Male applicants please include the following photos:

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